ouch, i forgot to mention I opened
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-9155 to track this. Should it
be a duplicate of 9204 then?

On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 3:32 PM Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai <tzuli...@apache.org>

> Hi,
> These are valid concerns. And yes, AFAIK users have been writing to logs
> within the deserialization schema to track this. The connectors as of now
> have no logging themselves in case of a skipped record.
> I think we can implement both logging and metrics to track this, most of
> which you have already brought up.
> For logging, the information should contain topic, partition, and offset
> for debugging.
> For metrics, we should be able to use the user variable functionality to
> have skip counters that can be grouped by topic / partition / offset.
> Though, I’m not sure how helpful this would be in practice.
> I’ve opened a JIRA for this issue for further discussion:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-9204
> Cheers,
> Gordon
> On 16 April 2018 at 7:43:00 PM, Fabian Hueske (fhue...@gmail.com) wrote:
> Thanks for starting the discussion Elias.
> I see two ways to address this issue.
> 1) Add an interface that a deserialization schema can implement to
> register metrics. Each source would need to check for the interface and
> call it to setup metrics.
> 2) Check for null returns in the source functions and increment a
> respective counter.
> In both cases, we need to touch the source connectors.
> I see that passing information such as topic name, partition, and offset
> are important debugging information. However, I don't think that metrics
> would be good to capture them.
> In that case, log files might be a better approach.
> I'm not sure to what extend the source functions (Kafka, Kinesis) support
> such error tracking.
> Adding Gordon to the thread who knows the internals of the connectors.
> Best, Fabian
> 2018-04-08 17:53 GMT+02:00 Alexander Smirnov <alexander.smirn...@gmail.com
> >:
>> I have the same question. In case of kafka source, it would be good to
>> know topic name and offset of the corrupted message for further
>> investigation.
>> Looks like the only option is to write messages into a log file
>> On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 9:12 PM Elias Levy <fearsome.lucid...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I was wondering how are folks tracking deserialization errors.
>>> The AbstractDeserializationSchema interface provides no mechanism for the
>>> deserializer to instantiate a metric counter, and "deserialize" must return
>>> a null instead of raising an exception in case of error if you want your
>>> job to continue functioning during a deserialization error.  But that means
>>> such errors are invisible.
>>> Thoughts?

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