
Thank you for pinging us on this one - I left a comment, after that I would
merge the PR.

The Flink community had a bit of a slow phase for PRs, with many committers
being at the Flink Forward Conference, being involved in the 1.5 release
We plan to speed up reviews again now.

Thank you for your patience, and sorry for the delay...


On Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 5:45 AM, 陈梓立 <wander4...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Recently I push a PR on apache/flink repo(https://github.com/apache
> /flink/pull/5924), it's about a trivial update on README.md, raising once
> I surprisingly failed to build using Java 9.
> It is good that someone just tell me that it is meaningless so that I
> could close it, but no replies, which makes me feel so sad.
> This is my first PR on Flink, and I think it might be a good start to me
> that a PR is accepted so that I gain more passion on Flink.
> Look forward to your reply.
> Alex.

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