I am using Flink 1.4.2. I have forker Uber's AthenaX  project
<https://github.com/uber/AthenaX>  . 

The Flink jobs are deployed in Yarn cluster. I needed to save the Savepoint
for all the jobs everyday.

gave an implementation for saving savepoint using Flink ID. 
is an implementation of ClusteClient.

Initial though was to use YarnClusterClient instance with Flink Id (I save
this when the Flink Job is deployed to Yarn cluster) to trigger savepoint. 
So I created an instance of YarnClusterClient once and saved it so that I
could use it anytime in the application. But this doesn't seems to work. It
doesn't seems that it can cancel or trigger savepoint even with valid Flink
ID. When I try to cancel a valid Flink Job it throws and error for invalid

I would appreciate if someone could help me out here.

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