Hi Soheil,

I don't think just overriding the window trigger function is sufficient,
since your logic effectively changes the how elements are assigned to a
Based on a quick scan I think your use case might be able to reuse the
DynamicGapSessionWIndow [1], where you will have to create a customized
session timeout extractor based on how many messages is currently in a
window. and you should be able to reuse the trigger.



On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 10:08 PM Soheil Pourbafrani <soheil.i...@gmail.com>

> I want to have a time window to trigger data processing in two following
> condition:
> 1 - The window has 3 messages
> 2- Or any number of message (less than 3) is in the window and it reaches
> a timeout
> I know someone should extend Trigger class:
> public static class MyWindowTrigger <W extends Window> extends 
> Trigger<Object, W> {
>     @Override
>     public TriggerResult onElement(Object o, long l, W w, TriggerContext 
> triggerContext) throws Exception {
>     }
>     @Override
>     public TriggerResult onProcessingTime(long l, W w, TriggerContext 
> triggerContext) throws Exception {
>         return TriggerResult.CONTINUE ;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public TriggerResult onEventTime(long l, W w, TriggerContext 
> triggerContext) throws Exception {
>         return TriggerResult.CONTINUE ;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void clear(W w, TriggerContext triggerContext) throws Exception {
>     }
> But I don't know how should I check the number of messages in the window
> and set a timeout. Can someone help?

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