Hi Henry,

Flink is an open source project. New build-in functions are constantly
contributed to Flink. Right now, there are more than 5 PRs open to add or
improve various functions.

If you find that some functions are not working correctly or could be
improved, you can open a Jira issue. The same applies to missing functions.
Before opening an issue, it would be good to check if there's another issue
for the same problem.
After opening a Jira issue, you can either wait for somebody to pick it up
or contribute the function yourself.
The scalar function umbrella Jira issue [1] explains what needs to be done
to add a function.

Contributing scalar functions is a good way to get involved with the Flink

Best, Fabian

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-6810

Am Do., 23. Aug. 2018 um 09:16 Uhr schrieb 徐涛 <happydexu...@gmail.com>:

> Hi All,
>         I found flink is lack of some basic functions , for example string
> split, regular express support, json parse and extract support, these
> function are used frequently in development , but they are not supported,
> use has to write UDF to support this.
>         And some of the provided functions are lack of usability, for
> example log(2, 1.0) and exp(1.0)  with double params are not supported. I
> think they are not hard to implement and they are very basic functions.
>         Will flink enhance the basic functions , maybe in later releases?
> Best,
> Henry

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