
currently, Flink still has to use session mode under the hood if you submit the 
job in attached-mode. The reason is that the job could consists of multiple 
parts that require to run one after the other. This will be changed in the 
future and also should not happen if you
submit the job detached.


> Am 20.09.2018 um 10:29 schrieb weilongxing <weilongx...@aicaigroup.com>:
> I am new to Flink. I am using Flink on yarn per-job. I submitted two 
> applications.
> > /data/apps/opt/flink/bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster  
> > /data/apps/opt/fluxion/fluxion-flink.jar 
> > /data/apps/conf/fluxion//job_submit_rpt_company_user_s.conf
> > /data/apps/opt/flink/bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster  
> > /data/apps/opt/fluxion/fluxion-flink.jar 
> > /data/apps/conf/fluxion//job_submit_rpt_company_performan_.conf
> I can saw these two applications on yarn. I noticed that the application name 
> is “flink session cluster” rather than “flink per-job”. Is that right?
> <PastedGraphic-10.png>
> However, I can see both flink jobs in each yarn application. Is that right?
> <PastedGraphic-8.png>
> <PastedGraphic-9.png>
> And Finally, I want to kill one job and killed one yarn application. However 
> one yarn application is killed and but both flink jobs restarted in another 
> yarn application. I want to kill one and remain another. In my opinion, one 
> job in an application and the job is killed when the yarn application is 
> killed.
> <PastedGraphic-12.png>
> I think the problem is that these two application should be “flink per-job” 
> rather than “flink session cluster”. But I don’t know why it becomes “flink 
> session-cluster”.  Can anybody help? Thanks.

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