Hi Fritz,

Watermarks are merged on stream shuffles. If one of the input's watermark
not progressing, they will not advance the event time at the operators. I
think you should decrease the parallelism of source and make sure there are
data in each of your source partition.
Note that the Kafka source supports per-partition watermarking, which you
can read more about here[1].

Best, Hequn

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 1:56 AM Fritz Budiyanto <fbudi...@icloud.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I noticed if one of the slot's watermark not progressing, its impacting
> all slots processFunction timer and no timer are not firing.
> In my example, I have Source parallelism set to 8 and Kafka partition is
> 4. The next operator is processFunction with parallelism of 8 +  event
> timer. I can see from the debug log that one of the slot's watermark is not
> progressing. As a result, all slot's timer in the process function are not
> firing. Is this expected behavior or issue? How do I prevent this condition?
> Thanks,
> Fritz

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