Yes this is exactly what happens , as a work around I created a small jar
file which has code to load the dylib and I placed it under the lib folder
, this library is in provided scope in my actual job, so the dylib gets
loaded only once when the tm/jm jvm starts .
What I found interesting in my old approach was even when I check whether
the dylib has already been loaded in the current thread , and if it is I
still get the unsatisfied link error even though that dylib is loaded in
the task manager .

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 7:04 AM Aleksey Pak <> wrote:

> Hi Vishwas,
> There is a known issue in the Flink Jira project [1].
> Is it possible that you have encountered the same problem?
> [1]:
> Regards,
> Aleksey
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 8:03 AM Vishwas Siravara <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jörn,
>> I tried that. Here is my snippet :
>> String[] loadedlibs =  
>> getLoadedLibraries(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
>> if(!containsVibeSimpleLib(loadedlibs)) {
>>     System.loadLibrary("vibesimplejava");
>> }
>> Now I get the exception Unexpected errorjava.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
>> com.voltage.securedata.enterprise.ConstantsNative.DIGEST_MD5()I which means
>> that it could not find vibesimplejava in the loaded libs but I know that
>> the if was not executed because vibesimplejava was present in loadedlibs(
>> the control never went inside the if block. Any other suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Vishwas
>> On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 12:25 AM Jörn Franke <>
>> wrote:
>>> I don’t know Dylibs in detail, but can you call a static method where it
>>> checks if it has been already executed and if not then it loads the library
>>> (Singleton pattern)?
>>> Am 27.08.2019 um 06:39 schrieb Vishwas Siravara <>:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I have a flink application that loads a dylib like this
>>> System.loadLibrary("vibesimplejava");
>>> The application runs fine , when I restart the job I get this exception
>>> :
>>> Unexpected 
>>> errorjava.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library 
>>> /usr/mware/SimpleAPI/voltage-simple-api-java-05.12.0000-Linux-x86_64-64b-r234867/lib/
>>>  already loaded in another classloader
>>> This happens because the dylib has already been loaded once by the
>>> taskmanger, how can I mitigate this? It seems problematic if two
>>> applications are loading the same dylib.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vishwas

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