Hi all,

let's say that I have a "source -> map .> preAggregrate -> keyBy -> reduce
-> sink" job and the reducer is sending backpressure signals to the
preAggregate, map and source operator. How do I get those signals inside my
operator's implementation?
I guess inside the function is not possible. But if I have my own operator
implemented (preAggregate) can I get those backpressure signals?

I want to get the messages "Shuffle.Netty.Input.Buffers.inputQueueLength"
[1] on my preAggregate operator in order to decide when I stop the
pre-aggregation and flush tuples or when I keep pre aggregating. It is
something like the "credit based control on the network stack" [2].

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbqatHF3tZI

*-- Felipe Gutierrez*

*-- skype: felipe.o.gutierrez*
*--* *https://felipeogutierrez.blogspot.com

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