Hi  Polarisary,

IMO, firstly, it would be better to monitor the OS and Flink/HBase metrics.
For example:

   - Flink and HBase cluster Network I/O metrics;
   - Flink TM CPU/Memory/Backpressure metrics and so on;

You can view these metrics to find some potential reasons. If you can not
figure it out, you can share these metrics with the community.


Polarisary <polaris...@gmail.com> 于2019年12月18日周三 上午11:09写道:

> Hi ALL,
> When I use RichAsyncFunction read data from hbase, it always timeout after
> a few minutes. but the hbase connection is not close, it also can get data
> in the override method timeout.
> Following is the code, does somebody know why trigger timeout.
> ====================================================================
> AsyncDataStream.unorderedWait(uidDs, new AsyncHBaseRequest(hTableName,
> HBaseConfigurationUtil.serializeConfiguration(hbaseClientConf), hbaseSchema)
>         , 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES, 10)
> @Override
> public void timeout(Tuple1<Long> input, ResultFuture<Tuple7<Short, Long, 
> Short, Short, Long, Integer, Long>> resultFuture) throws Exception {
>     Row r = 
> readHelper.parseToRow(table.get(readHelper.createGet("1349126000000001515587439bf2f217")));
>     logger.error("Timeout Error, input [{}], conn {}, row [{}]", input.f0, 
> hConnection.isClosed(), r.toString());
> }
> @Override
> public void asyncInvoke(Tuple1<Long> input, ResultFuture<Tuple7<Short, Long, 
> Short, Short, Long, Integer, Long>> resultFuture) throws Exception {
>     FamilyFilter filter = new FamilyFilter(CompareFilter.CompareOp.EQUAL, new 
> BinaryComparator(Bytes.toBytes("f1")));
>     String rkStart = 
> UserInstallAppLookupTableSource.getLeftRowkeyByUid(input.f0, 0);
>     String rkEnd = 
> UserInstallAppLookupTableSource.getLeftRowkeyByUid(input.f0, 9999999999999L);
> polaris...@gmail.com

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