
The problem here is that I dont have a temporal table.

I have a regular stream from kafka (with even time attribute) and a static
table in hive.
The Hive table is static, it doesn't change. It doesn't have any time
attribute, it's not temporal.


On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 3:43 PM godfrey he <godfre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Gyual,
> Can you convert the regular join to lookup join (temporal join) [1],
> and then you can use window aggregate.
> >  I understand that the problem is that we cannot join with the Hive
> table and still maintain the watermark/even time column. But why is this?
> Regular join can't maintain the time attribute as increasing trend (one
> record may be joined with a very old record),
> that means the watermark does not also been guaranteed to increase.
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.10/dev/table/streaming/joins.html#join-with-a-temporal-table
> Best,
> Godfrey
> Gyula Fóra <gyula.f...@gmail.com> 于2020年4月20日周一 下午4:46写道:
>> Hi All!
>> We hit a the following problem with SQL and trying to understand if there
>> is a valid workaround.
>> We have 2 tables:
>> *Kafka*
>> timestamp (ROWTIME)
>> item
>> quantity
>> *Hive*
>> item
>> price
>> So we basically have incoming (ts, id, quantity) and we want to join it
>> with the hive table to get the total price (price * quantity) got the
>> current item.
>> After this we want to create window aggregate on quantity*price windowed
>> on timestamp (event time attribute).
>> In any way we formulate this query we hit the following error:
>> org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: Rowtime attributes must not be
>> in the input rows of a regular join. As a workaround you can cast the time
>> attributes of input tables to TIMESTAMP before.
>>  I understand that the problem is that we cannot join with the Hive table
>> and still maintain the watermark/even time column. But why is this?
>> In datastream world I would just simply assign Max watermark to my
>> enrichment input and join outputs will get the ts of the input record. Can
>> I achieve something similar in SQL/Table api?
>> Thank you!
>> Gyula

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