Hi, Matt
The total size of the state of the window operator is related to the
number of windows. For example if you use keyby+tumblingwindow there
would be keys number of windows.
Hope this helps.

Wissman, Matt <matt.wiss...@here.com> 于2020年5月27日周三 上午3:35写道:
> Hello Flink Community,
> I’m running a Flink pipeline that uses a tumbling window and incremental 
> checkpoint with RocksDB backed by s3. The number of objects in the window is 
> stable but overtime the checkpoint size grows seemingly unbounded. Within the 
> first few hours after bringing the Flink pipeline up, the checkpoint size is 
> around 100K but after a week of operation it grows to around 100MB. The 
> pipeline isn’t using any other Flink state besides the state that the window 
> uses. I think this has something to do with RocksDB’s compaction but 
> shouldn’t the tumbling window state expire and be purged from the checkpoint?
> Flink Version 1.7.1
> Thanks!
> -Matt

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