
I would like to upgrade the performance of my Apache Kudu Sink by using the new 
“KuduPartitioner” of Kudu API to match Flink stream partitions with Kudu 
partitions to lower the network shuffling.

For that, I would like to implement something like

stream.partitionCustom(new KuduFlinkPartitioner<>(…)).addSink(new KuduSink(…)));

With KuduFLinkPartitioner a implementation of 
org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.Partitioner that internally make use of 
the KuduPartitioner client tool of Kudu’s API.

However for that KuduPartioner to work, it needs to open – and close at the end 
– a connection to the Kudu table – obviously something that can’t be done for 
each line. But there is no “AbstractRichPartitioner” with open() and close() 
method that I can use for that (the way I use it in the sink for instance).

What is the best way to implement this ?

I thought of ThreadLocals that would be initialized during the first call to 
int partition(K key, int numPartitions);  but I won’t be able to close() things 
nicely as I won’t be notified on job termination.

I thought of putting those static ThreadLocals inside a “Identity Mapper” that 
would be called just prior the partition with something like :

KuduFlinkPartitioner<>(…)).addSink(new KuduSink(…)));

with kudu connections initialized in the mapper open(), closed in the mapper 
close(), and used  in the partitioner partition().

However It looks like an ugly hack breaking every coding principle, but as long 
as the threads are reused between the mapper and the partitioner I think that 
it should work.

Is there a better way to do this ?

Best regards,



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