Thank you. Your instruction was helpful in my solving this.

You can read about my solution at

> On Aug 10, 2020, at 4:07 AM, orionemail <> wrote:
> I recently was in the same situation as Marco, the docs do explain what you 
> need to do, but without experience with Flink it might still not be obvious 
> what you need to do.
> What I did initially:
> Setup the job to run in a 'write a save state' mode by implementing a command 
> line switch I could use when running the job:
> flink run somejob.jar -d /some/path
> The code then when run with this switch ran *only* the required code to setup 
> a version of state and write that to a savestate.
> This worked and I was on my way.
> However, I then decided to split this out into a new flink 'jar' with the 
> sole purpose of creating a save state.  This is a cleaner approach in my case 
> and also removes dependancies (my state was loaded from DynamoDB) that were 
> only required in this one instance.
> As rebuilding the state from this application is intended to only be done the 
> once, with checkpoints/savestates the main approach going forward.
> Just remember to name your Operators with the same ID/name to make sure it is 
> compatible.
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Monday, 10 August 2020 07:27, Tzu-Li Tai <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For the NullPointerException, what seems to be happening is that you are
>> setting NULL values in your MapState, that is not allowed by the API.
>> Otherwise, the code that you showed for bootstrapping state seems to be
>> fine.
>>> I have yet to find a working example that shows how to do both
>>> (bootstrapping state and start a streaming application with that state)
>> Not entirely sure what you mean here by "doing both".
>> The savepoint written using the State Processor API (what you are doing in
>> the bootstrap() method) is a savepoint that may be restored from as you
>> would with a typical Flink streaming job restore.
>> So, usually the bootstrapping part happens as a batch "offline" job, while
>> you keep your streaming job as a separate job. What are you trying to
>> achieve with having both written within the same job?
>> Cheers,
>> Gordon
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Sent from: 

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