Hi Alexey,

I'm using StatefulSet for JM exactly as you describe (Deployment for TM is just fine). The main advantage is that you don't need distributed storage for JM fault tolerance, because you can use persistent volume mount (provided your cloud provider provides it as fault tolerant volume). You still need zookeeper (AFAIK), but that might be a feature request, as it is not actually necessary in this case. If this could be incorporated in the mentioned Flink Operators, that would be great. :-)



On 8/14/20 5:09 AM, Yang Wang wrote:
Hi Alexey,

Actually, StatefulSets could also be used to start the JobManager and TaskManager.

So why do we suggest to use Deployment in the Flink documentation?
* StatefulSets requires the user to have persistent volume in the K8s cluster. However, it is not always true,
  especially for the unmanaged(self-build) K8s cluster.
* Flink uses Zookeeper and distributed storage(S3, GFS, etc.) to process the fault tolerance. If you start multiple   JobManagers, the leader election and leader retrieval will be done via Zookeeper. Also the meta information will    be stored in the Zookeeper. So it is unnecessary to use StatefulSet to do more things. * The local data of JobManager and TaskManager is ephemeral. It could be discarded after crashed.


Arvid Heise <ar...@ververica.com <mailto:ar...@ververica.com>> 于2020年8月13日周四 下午4:38写道:

    Hi Alexey,

    I don't see any issue in using stateful sets immediately.

    I'd recommend using one of the K8s operators or Ververica's
    community edition [1] though if you start with a new setup as they
    may solve even more issues that you might experience in the future.

    [1] https://www.ververica.com/getting-started

    On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 11:22 PM Alexey Trenikhun <yen...@msn.com
    <mailto:yen...@msn.com>> wrote:

        Flink documentation suggests to use Deployments to deploy JM
        and TM for kubernetes job cluster. Is any known potential
        issues with using StatefulSets instead, seems StatefullSet
        provides uniqueness for JM during upgrade/rollback, while with
        Deployments could be multiple JM pods (e.g.1 terminating and 1


    Arvid Heise| Senior Java Developer


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