
On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 1:37 PM Rex Fenley <r...@remind101.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I've been digging into State Storage documentation, but it's left me
> scratching my head with a few questions. Any help will be much appreciated.
> Qs:
> 1. Is there a way to use RocksDB state backend for Flink on AWS EMR?
> Possibly with S3 backed savepoints for recovery (or maybe hdfs for
> savepoints?)? Only documentation related to AWS I can find makes it look
> like AWS must use the S3 File System state backend and not RocksDB at all.
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/ops/filesystems/s3.html

I think there's some misunderstanding of the role of RocksDB vs filesystems
for fault-tolerance here.
RocksDB is a state backend option that manages user state out-of-core, and
is managed by the Flink runtime. Users do not need to separately manage
RocksDB instances.
For persistence of that state as checkpoints / savepoints for
fault-tolerance, you may choose the commonly used filesystems like S3 /

See [1] for how to configure your job to use RocksDBStateBackend as the
runtime state backend and configuring a filesystem path for persistence.

> 2. Does the FS state backend not compact? I thought everything in Flink
> was stored as key/value. In which case, why would the last n values for a
> key need to stick around, or how would they?
> > An incremental checkpoint builds upon (typically multiple) previous
> checkpoints. Flink leverages RocksDB’s internal compaction mechanism in a
> way that is self-consolidating over time. As a result, the incremental
> checkpoint history in Flink does not grow indefinitely, and old checkpoints
> are eventually subsumed and pruned automatically.
The sentence that you quote simply states how Flink leverages RocksDB's
background compaction of SSTables to ensure that incremental checkpoints
don't grow indefinitely in size.
This has nothing to do with the FsStateBackend, as incremental
checkpointing isn't supported there.

Just as a clarification as there might be some other misunderstanding here:
The difference between FsStateBackend v.s. RocksDBStateBackend is the state
backend being used to maintain local state at runtime.
RocksDBStateBackend obviously uses RocksDB, while the FsStateBackend uses
in-memory hash maps. For persistence, both are checkpointed to a filesystem
for fault-tolerance.
The naming may be a bit confusing, so just wanted to clarify that here in
case that may have caused any confusion with the questions above.

> 3. In the docs, Operators are referred to as non-keyed state, yet,
> Operators have IDs that they are keyed by, so why are they referred to as
> non-keyed state?
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.11/ops/state/savepoints.html#assigning-operator-ids
Operator state is referred to as non-keyed state because it is not
co-partitioned with the stream by key and not values are not bound to
single key (i.e. when you access keyed state, the access is bound to a
single key), and have different schemes for repartitioning when operators
are scaled up or down.
The operator IDs you referred to are simply a unique ID to identify the
same operators across different executions of the same job. I'm not sure
what you mean by "operators have IDs that are keyed by"; those IDs are not
used in any partitioning operation.

> 4. For the Table API / SQL are primary keys and join keys automatically
> used as the keys for state under the hood?


> Lastly
> 5. Is there a way to estimate roughly how much disk space state storage
> will take per operation?
Thanks again!
> --
> Rex Fenley  |  Software Engineer - Mobile and Backend
> Remind.com <https://www.remind.com/> |  BLOG <http://blog.remind.com/>  |
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