
We're using Apache Flink 1.9.2 and we've started logging everything as JSON 
with log4j (standard log4j1 that comes with Flink). When I say JSON logging, I 
just mean that I've formatted in according to:

log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern={"level": "%p", "ts": 
"%d{ISO8601}", "class": "%c", "line": "%L", "message": "%m"}%n

Now I would like to somehow add a field to this JSON to indicate which pipeline 
generated the log . At first I thought I'd add another field that logs some 
environment variable like such:

log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern={"level": "%p", "ts": 
"%d{ISO8601}", "class": "%c", "line": "%L", "pipeline: "${PIPELINE}", 
"message": "%m"}%n

But that doesn't seem to be working (is it because the TM is inited before the 
pipeline and that's when the placeholders are set?).

Do you know of a way I could add a field of the current pipeline running? In my 
"Main" I have access to the pipeline name and I also have access to this 
variable in the tasks themselves. I would prefer not needing to explicitly 
using this variable when I log, but that it would be automatic during logging.

If anybody has an idea, I'd love to hear it (we can use logback or anything 
else if necessary),

Thanks :)

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