I'm not an expert of the streaming APIs but you could try to do something
like this:

DataStream<Row> ds = null;
DataStream<Row> ds1 = ds.filter(...).setParallelism(3);
DataStream<Row> ds2 = ds.filter(...).setParallelism(7);

Could it fit your needs?


On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 3:54 AM Hailu, Andreas [Engineering] <
andreas.ha...@gs.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I’ve got a single RichOutputFormat which is comprised of two
> HadoopOutputFormats, let’s call them A and B, each writing to different
> HDFS directories. If a Record matches a certain condition it’s written
> using A, otherwise it’s written with B. Currently, the parallelism that is
> set at the RichOutputFormat seems to propagates to both A & B – meaning if
> the parallelism set on the RichOutputFormat is 10, output A and B create 10
> files even if A receives all the records and B receives none.
> My app has knowledge about the ratio of records it expects will be sent to
> output A vs output B, and I would ideally like that pass that down through
> the RichOutputFormat. Meaning that if we have a parallelism of 10, and know
> that 70% of the Records being sent go to A, I would like to supply the A
> with 7 parallelism and B with 3.
> I’m curious because the current approach can lead to lots of redundant
> empty files, and I’d like to minimize that if possible. Is something like
> this supported?
> ____________
> *Andreas Hailu*
> *Data Lake Engineering *| Goldman Sachs & Co.
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> please refer to: www.gs.com/privacy-notices

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