Hi everyone,

What is the recommended way of achieving the equivalent of a broadcast in
Flink when using Stateful Functions?

For instance, assume we are implementing something similar to Flink's demo
fraud detection
<https://flink.apache.org/news/2020/03/24/demo-fraud-detection-2.html> but
in Stateful Functions - how can one dynamically update the application's
logic then?
There was a similar question in this mailing list in the past where it
was recommended
moving the dynamic logic to a remote function
that one could achieve that by deploying a new container. I think that's
not very realistic as updates might happen with a frequency that's not
compatible with that approach (e.g., sticking to the fraud detection
example, updating fraud detection rules every hour is not unusual), nor
should one be deploying a new container when data (not code) changes.

Is there a way of, for example, modifying FunctionProviders
on the fly?


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