
I’m looking for advice for the best and simplest solution to handle JSON in 

Our system is data driven and based on JSON. As the structure isn’t static 
mapping it to POJO isn’t an option I therefore transfer ObjectNode and / or 
ArrayNode between operators either in Tuples 
Tuple2<String, ObjecNode> or as attributes in POJO’s.

Flink doesn’t know about Jackson objects and therefore fail back to Kryo 

I see two options. 
1. Add kryo serialisation objects for all the Jackson types we use and register 
2. Add Jackson objects as Flink types. 

I guess option 2 perform best, but it require an annotation for the classes and 
I can’t do that for 3. Party objects. One workaround could be to create my own 
objects that extends the Jackson objects and use them between operators. 

I can’t be the first to solve this problem so I like to hear what the community 

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Lasse Nedergaard

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