You can use `` to specify java options for the task 
managers specifically. Be aware you may want to set `suspend=n` or be sure to 
attach your debugger promptly, otherwise the task manager may time out 
attempting to connect to the job manager (since it’s waiting for you to connect 
before running)

From: Reggie Quimosing <>
Date: Monday, March 15, 2021 at 3:14 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Attach remote debugger to task executor

I'm running flink locally via ./, and submitting my job via 
./flink run <class, jar, etc>.

I can attach a 
 to the job client process using either:

I can step through the main method of my job, but once my program gets to 
DataStream.execute, the debugger does not follow. That code is now running in a 
separate task executor process, and this is what I would really want to debug.

Any tips on how to do this?


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