
Might be a simple, stupid question, but I'm not able to find how to
convert/interpret a UTC datetime string like *2021-03-23T07:37:00.613910Z*
as event-time using a DDL/Table API. I'm ingesting data from Kafka and can
read this field as a string, but would like to mark it as event-time by
defining a watermark.

I'm able to achieve this using the DataStream API, by defining my own
TimestampAssigner that converts the datetime string to milliseconds since
epoch. How can I do this using a SQL DDL or Table API?

I tried to directly interpret the string as TIMESTAMP(3) but it fails with
the following exception:

java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '2021-03-23T07:37:00.613910Z'
could not be parsed...

Any pointers?


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