Yes, since the two streams have the same type, you can union the two
streams, key the resulting stream, and then apply something like a
RichFlatMapFunction. Or you can connect the two streams (again, they'll
need to be keyed so you can use state), and apply a RichCoFlatMapFunction.
You can use whichever of these approaches is simpler for your use case.

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 7:56 AM vishalovercome <> wrote:

> I've gone through the example as well as the documentation and I still
> couldn't understand whether my use case requires joining. 1. What would
> happen if I didn't join? 2. As the 2 incoming data streams have the same
> type, if joining is absolutely necessary then just a union
> (oneStream.union(anotherStream)) followed by a keyBy should be good enough
> right? I am asking this because I would prefer to use the simple
> RichMapFunction or RichFlatMapFunction as opposed to the
> RichCoFlatMapFunction. Thanks a lot!
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