Hey Chen-Che Huang,

I guess the StreamingFileSink is what you are looking for. It is documented
I drafted a short example (that is not production ready), which does
roughly what you are asking for:

Hope this helps!


On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 11:33 AM Chen-Che Huang <acmic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We're going to use state processor to make our keyedstate data to be
> written to different files based on the keys. More specifically, we want
> our data to be written to files key1.txt, key2.txt, ..., and keyn.txt where
> the value with the same key is stored in the same file. In each file, the
> data may be stored as follows. As far as I know, I need to implement my own
> Sink (org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.RichSinkFunction) to
> meet the requirement. However, I wonder is there a native way to achieve
> this without implementing my own Sink because using official solution is
> usually more efficient and reliable than doing it by myself.  Many thanks
> for any comment.
> key1.txt
> key1 value11
> key1 value21
> key1 value31
> key2.txt
> key2 value21
> key2 value22
> key2 value23
> Best wishes,
> Chen-Che Huang

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