Hi Salva,

I think you're almost there. Confusion is definitely not helped by the
ADDONS/ PROVIDED_ADDONS thingy – I think I tried to get too fancy with that
in the linked thread.

I think the only thing you have to do differently is to adjust the target
you are building/ deploying – instead of
`//src/main/scala/org/example:flink_app_deploy.jar`, your target with the
provided env applied is
`//src/main/scala/org/example:word_count_deploy.jar`. I've verified this in
the following ways:

1. Building and checking the JAR itself
* bazel build //src/main/scala/org/example:word_count_deploy.jar
* jar -tf bazel-bin/src/main/scala/org/example/word_count_deploy.jar | grep
  * Shows only the tools/flink/NoOp class

2. Running the word count jar locally, to ensure the main class is picked
up correctly:
WordCount <hostname> <port>

3. Had fun with the Bazel query language[1], inspecting the difference in
the dependencies between the deploy env and the word_cound_deploy.jar:

bazel query 'filter("@maven//:org_apache_flink.*",
deps(//src/main/scala/org/example:word_count_deploy.jar) except
INFO: Empty results
Loading: 0 packages loaded

This is to say that there are no Flink dependencies in the deploy JAR that
are not accounted for in the deploy env.

So I think you're all good, but let me know if I've misunderstood! Or if
you find a better way of doing the provided deps – I'd be very interested!


[1]: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/query.htm

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 10:28 AM Salva Alcántara <salcantara...@gmail.com>

> Hi Austin,
> I followed your instructions and gave `rules_jvm_external` a try.
> Overall, I think I advanced a bit, but I'm not quite there yet. I have
> followed the link [1] given by Matthias, making the necessary changes to my
> repo:
> https://github.com/salvalcantara/bazel-flink-scala
> In particular, the relevant (bazel) BUILD file looks like this:
> ```
> package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
> load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_library",
> "scala_test")
> filegroup(
>     name = "scala-main-srcs",
>     srcs = glob(["*.scala"]),
> )
> scala_library(
>     name = "flink_app",
>     srcs = [":scala-main-srcs"],
>     deps = [
>         "@maven//:org_apache_flink_flink_core",
>         "@maven//:org_apache_flink_flink_clients_2_12",
>         "@maven//:org_apache_flink_flink_scala_2_12",
>         "@maven//:org_apache_flink_flink_streaming_scala_2_12",
>         "@maven//:org_apache_flink_flink_streaming_java_2_12",
>     ],
> )
> java_binary(
>     name = "word_count",
>     srcs = ["//tools/flink:noop"],
>     deploy_env = ["//:default_flink_deploy_env"],
>     main_class = "org.example.WordCount",
>     deps = [
>         ":flink_app",
>     ],
> )
> ```
> The idea is to use `deploy_env` within `java_binary` for providing the
> flink
> dependencies. This causes those dependencies to get removed from the final
> fat jar that one gets by running:
> ```
> bazel build //src/main/scala/org/example:flink_app_deploy.jar
> ```
> The problem now is that the jar still includes the Scala library, which
> should also be dropped from the jar as it is part of the provided
> dependencies within the Flink cluster. I am reading this blog post in [2]
> without luck yet...
> Regards,
> Salva
> [1]
> http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/Does-anyone-have-an-example-of-Bazel-working-with-Flink-td35898.html
> [2]
> https://yishanhe.net/address-dependency-conflict-for-bazel-built-scala-spark/
> --
> Sent from:
> http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/

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