Hi Sandeep,

Did you include the RocksDB classes in the application jar package? You can 
unpark your jar package to check whether them existed.
If so, since RocksDB classes are already included in the flink-dist package, 
you don't need to include them in your jar package (maybe you explicitly added 
the dependency of org.rocksdb:rocksdbjni in your pom).

Yun Tang
From: Sandeep khanzode <sand...@shiftright.ai>
Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 11:54
To: user <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Bloom Filter - RocksDB - LinkageError Classloading


I tried to add the bloom filter functionality as mentioned here:

 rocksDbBackend.setRocksDBOptions(new RocksDBOptionsFactory() {

        public DBOptions createDBOptions(DBOptions currentOptions, 
Collection<AutoCloseable> handlesToClose) {
                return currentOptions.setMaxOpenFiles(1024);

        public ColumnFamilyOptions createColumnOptions(ColumnFamilyOptions 
currentOptions, Collection<AutoCloseable> handlesToClose) {
                BloomFilter bloomFilter = new BloomFilter();

                        return currentOptions

This is in the main class where we setup in the StreamExecutionEnvironment …

I get ClassLoading errors due to that ...

Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader 
org.apache.flink.util.ChildFirstClassLoader @1169afe1 wants to load class 
org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions. A different class with the same name was 
previously loaded by 'app'. (org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions is in unnamed 
module of loader 'app')

What is documented is to change the order to parent-first in the 
flink-conf.yaml … but then I get different issues for the basic/core Spring 
Framework classes not being serializable …

Any help will be appreciated.


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