Hi Jerome,

The type of value, list and map means that the structure of value to the 
primary key. I am not sure what the set structure you mean here, if you want to 
let the value as a set, and you can just leverage map state. As you might know, 
java actually use HashMap to implement the HashSet.

Yun Tang
From: Jerome Li <l...@vmware.com>
Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 7:57
To: user@flink.apache.org <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Best Practice of Using HashSet State


I am new to Flink and state backend. I find Flink does provide ValueState, 
ListState, and MapState. But it does not provide State object for HashSet. What 
is the best practice of storing HashSet State in Flink? Should we use 
ValueState and set the value to be HashSet? Or should we use ListState and 
implement a wrapper class for serializing and desterilizing the HashSet to List?

Any help would be appreciated!



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