Hi Tejas,

I had your question sit in my mind for a while before I realized I had 
something to say about it 😊

Although not related to CEP, we had had a very similar problem with too many 
threads/tasks in an overwhelming split-join-pattern of about 1600 concurrent 

A colleague of mine worked on this for his master's thesis [1] ... we came to 
the conclusion to

- radically reduce fine grained parallelism,  i.e.

- use it (almost) only for Flink scale out (partitioning for specific key 

- transform our algorithms to run multiple cases sequentially instead of 

- unify multiple key domains by generalizing the key and duplicating incoming 
events per key domain together with the unified key (ideas taken from e.g. [2])

- try to unify all state primitives that work on the same key into list or map 
state primitives, and iterate on these (this works especially well for RocksDB)

- patch Flink task chaining to create longer chains and allow chaining for 
operator with multiple inputs (only mentioned in [1]) ... (= fewer 

In your specific case with the CEP rules it is probably best

- to implement the patterns yourself or integrate some external library, but

- to make the CEP rules 'data' and broadcast them into the respective operators 
(ideally a single operator only), that iterates over the rules for each 
incoming event

- for the stateless rules, I once integrated Spring Boot SpEL for a similar 
rules system (precompiled when initially loaded, rules are actually quite fast)

- for the stateful rules

  - you could either integrate some proper library (which leaves you with the 
problem of integrating intermediate state into the Flink TypeInformation 
serialization system)

  - or implement it yourself e.g. by means of a regular expressions library 
that exposes its state transition tables generated for specific regular 

This way you could use Flink for what it is excellent (low-latency 
high-throughput stream processing with consistent state over restarts/crashes 
(e.g.)) and optimize in areas that are not optimal for your use case.

[1] https://www.merlin.uzh.ch/publication/show/21108

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHStmoj8WbQ


Feel free to get back to me for further discussion (on the user list)


On 2021/08/19 23:39:18, Tejas B <t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,>

> Here's our use case :>

> We are planning to build a rule based engine on top of flink with huge number 
> of rules(1000s). the rules could be stateless or stateful. >

> Example stateless rule is : A.id = 3 && A.name = 'abc' || A.color = red. >

> Example stateful rule is : A is event.id =3, B is event.name = 'abc', C is 
> event.color = red and we are looking for pattern AB*C over time window of 1 
> hour.>


> Now we have tried to use flink CEP for this purpose and program crashed 
> because of lot of threads. The explanation is : every application of 
> CEP.pattern creates a new operator in the graph and flink can't support that 
> many vertices in a graph.>


> Other approach could be to use processFunction in flink, but still to run the 
> rules on events stream you'd have to use some sort of CEP or write your own.>


> My question is, does anybody have any other suggestions on how to achieve 
> this ? Any other CEPs that integrate and work better with flink (siddhi, 
> jasper, drools) ? Any experience would be helpful.>

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