Hi Qingsheng,

Thank you.

I am running Flink in EMR 6.3.0 which uses Flink version 1.12.1.  We AWS
MSK Kafka, and we are currently using Kafka 2.2.1.

The stack trace seems empty, it only states this error:

org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedVersionException: Attempted to
write a non-default producerId at version 1

I notice that this configuration uses Flink 2.5.0, which is ahead of Kafka
2.2.1.  I take your word that this is a version issue.

I am going to try and upgrade our Kafka clusters and see if that makes a

Thank you. Any further insight will be highly appreciated.


On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 8:03 PM Qingsheng Ren <renqs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Marco,
> Sorry I forgot to cc the user mailing list just now.
> From the exception message it looks like a versioning issue. Could you
> provide some additional information, such as Flink & Kafka connector
> version, Kafka broker version, and full exception stack? Also it will be
> helpful to paste part of your code (on DataStream API) or SQL (on Table &
> --
> Best Regards,
> Qingsheng Ren
> Email: renqs...@gmail.com
> On Oct 19, 2021, 9:28 AM +0800, Marco Villalobos <
> mvillalo...@kineteque.com>, wrote:
> I have the simplest Flink job that simply deques off of a kafka topic and
> writes to another kafka topic, but with headers, and manually copying the
> event time into the kafka sink.
> It works as intended, but sometimes I am getting this error:
> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedVersionException: Attempted to
> write a non-default producerId at version 1.
> Does anybody know what this means and how to fix this?
> Thank you.

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