Hi Dan,

if there is no way of setting a uid(), then it sounds like a bug in the API that should be fixed. Feel free to open an issue for it.


On 13.12.21 08:19, Schwalbe Matthias wrote:
Hi Dan,

When I run into such problem I consider using the not so @public api levels:

  * First of all uids are especially needed for operator that hold state
    and is not so important for operators that don’t hold state
    primitives, not sure of the implications created by
  * A DataStream is actually a Transformation[] assigned to the
    StreamEnvironment (see DataStream#getTransformation())
  * You can assign name() and uid() directly to Transformations
  * Transformations export their input transformation:
  * This this ways you can locate the two Map transformations and assign
  * However the two maps are stateless and technically don’t need a uid

What do you think?


*From:*Dan Hill <quietgol...@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 06:30
*To:* user <user@flink.apache.org>
*Subject:* CoGroupedStreams and disableAutoGeneratedUIDs

Hi.  I tried to use CoGroupedStreams w/ disableAutoGeneratedUIDs. CoGroupedStreams creates two map operators without the ability to set uids on them.  These appear as "Map" in my operator graph.  I noticed that the CoGroupedStreams.apply function has two map calls without setting uids.  If I try to run with disableAutoGeneratedUIDs, I get the following error "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Auto generated UIDs have been disabled but no UID or hash has been assigned to operator Map".

How can I fix this?  Extend the base CoGroupedStreams class?

public <T> DataStream<T> apply(CoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T> function, TypeInformation<T> resultType) {     function = (CoGroupFunction)this.input1.getExecutionEnvironment().clean(function);     CoGroupedStreams.UnionTypeInfo<T1, T2> unionType = new CoGroupedStreams.UnionTypeInfo(this.input1.getType(), this.input2.getType());     CoGroupedStreams.UnionKeySelector<T1, T2, KEY> unionKeySelector = new CoGroupedStreams.UnionKeySelector(this.keySelector1, this.keySelector2);     DataStream<CoGroupedStreams.TaggedUnion<T1, T2>> taggedInput1 = this.input1.map(new CoGroupedStreams.Input1Tagger()).setParallelism(this.input1.getParallelism()).returns(unionType);     DataStream<CoGroupedStreams.TaggedUnion<T1, T2>> taggedInput2 = this.input2.map(new CoGroupedStreams.Input2Tagger()).setParallelism(this.input2.getParallelism()).returns(unionType);     DataStream<CoGroupedStreams.TaggedUnion<T1, T2>> unionStream = taggedInput1.union(new DataStream[]{taggedInput2});     this.windowedStream = (new KeyedStream(unionStream, unionKeySelector, this.keyType)).window(this.windowAssigner);
     if (this.trigger != null) {

     if (this.evictor != null) {

     if (this.allowedLateness != null) {

    return this.windowedStream.apply(new CoGroupedStreams.CoGroupWindowFunction(function), resultType);

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