Hi Jessy,

Have you considered using the state processor api [1] for offline analysis of 
checkpoints and savepoints?


Sincere greetings


From: Jessy Ping <tech.user.str...@gmail.com>
Sent: Montag, 24. Januar 2022 16:47
To: user <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Regarding Queryable state in Flink

Hi Team,

We are currently running our streaming application based Flink(Datastream API ) 
on a non-prod cluster.And planning to move it to production cluster soon.. We 
are keeping cerating keyed state backed by rocksdb in the flink application. We 
need a mechanism to query these keyed state values for debugging and 
troubleshooting. Is it a good idea to use Queryable state for a single link-job 
running in application-mode on kubernetes for an average load of 10k 
events/second ?.
Or is it a better idea to keep these state values in an external k,v store ?.

So in short --> Is the queryable state stable enough to use in production 
systems ?

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