Hi I have the following job... I'm expecting the System.out
.println(key.toString());   to at least print, but nothing prints.

- .flatMap: Fires prints my debug message once as expected.
- .keyBy: Also fires, but prints my debug message twice.
- .apply: Doesn't seem to fire. The debug statement doesn't seem to print.
I'm expecting it to print the key from above keyBy.

DataStream<MyEvent> slStream = env.fromSource(kafkaSource,
WatermarkStrategy.noWatermarks(), "Kafka Source")
        .flatMap(new MapToMyEvent("my-event", "message")) // <--- This works
        slStream.keyBy(new MinutesKeySelector(windowSizeMins)) // <---
This prints twice
                .apply(new WindowFunction<MyEvent, MyEvent,
Tuple3<String, String, String>, TimeWindow>() {
            public void apply(Tuple3<String, String, String> key,
TimeWindow window, Iterable<MyEvent> input, Collector<MyEvent> out)
throws Exception {
                // This should print.

                // Do nothing for now

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