Hey Marco,

There’s unfortunately no perfect fit here, at least that I know of. A
Deployment will make it possible to upgrade the image, but does not support
container exits (eg if the Flink job completes, even successfully, K8s will
still restart the container). If you are only running long lived streaming
jobs, this may be acceptable for you, but makes it difficult to stop the
job with a final savepoint (since it will exit after completion).

What you could look into with the Job approach is building an upgrade
procedure that takes the final savepoint, allows the Job to exit, then
deploys a new helm release with the upgraded image and savepoint path. It
is more expensive, but may be more flexible.

Hope that helps,

On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 2:40 PM marco andreas <marcoandreas...@gmail.com>

> Hello flink community,
> I am deploying a flink application cluster using a helm chart , the
> problem is that the jobmanager component type is a "Job" , and with helm i
> can't do an upgrade of the chart in order to change the application image
> version  because helm is unable to upgrade the docker image of the kind
> "Job" so i am wondering if i can change the jobmanager kind to a
> "deployment" and if there are any drawbacks in doing do.
> Thanks.

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