Thanks Zhilong.

The first launch of our job is fast, I don’t think that’s the issue. I see in 
flink job manager log that there were several exceptions during the restart, 
and the task manager was restarted a few times until it was stabilized.

You can find the log here:


From: Zhilong Hong <>
Date: Wednesday, 23 February 2022 at 19:38
To: "Afek, Ifat (Nokia - IL/Kfar Sava)" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: Flink job recovery after task manager failure

Hi, Afek!

When a TaskManager is killed, JobManager will not be acknowledged until a 
heartbeat timeout happens. Currently, the default value of heartbeat.timeout is 
50 seconds [1]. That's why it takes more than 30 seconds for Flink to trigger a 
failover. If you'd like to shorten the time a failover is triggered in this 
situation, you could decrease the value of heartbeat.timeout in 
flink-conf.yaml. However, if the value is set too small, heartbeat timeouts 
will happen more frequently and the cluster will be unstable. As FLINK-23403 
[2] mentions, if you are using Flink 1.14 or 1.15, you could try to set the 
value to 10s.

You mentioned that it takes 5-6 minutes to restart the jobs. It seems a bit 
weird. How long does it take to deploy your job for a brand new launch? You 
could compact and upload the log of JobManager to Google Drive or OneDrive and 
attach the sharing link. Maybe we can find out what happens via the log.



On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 12:25 AM Afek, Ifat (Nokia - IL/Kfar Sava) 
<<>> wrote:

I am trying to use Flink checkpoints solution in order to support task manager 
I’m running flink using beam with filesystem storage and the following 

What I see is that if I kill a task manager pod, it takes flink about 30 
seconds to identify the failure and another 5-6 minutes to restart the jobs.
Is there a way to shorten the downtime? What is an expected downtime in case 
the task manager is killed, until the jobs are recovered? Are there any best 
practices for handling it? (e.g. different configuration parameters)


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