Hi running 1.14.4

Logs included:

1- My task managers shut down with: Terminating TaskManagerRunner with exit
code 1.
2- It seems to happen at the same time every day. Which leads me to believe
it's our database indexing (See below for reasoning of this).
3- Most of our jobs are ETL from Kafka to SQL Server.
4- We see the following exceptions in the logs:
      - Task 'Sink: jdbc (1/1)#10' did not react to cancelling signal -
interrupting; it is stuck for 30 seconds in method:
... com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSChannel ...
      - Sink: jdbc (1/1)#9 (3aaf6d8a45df6c43198bc8297b42354c) switched from
RUNNING to FAILED with failure cause: org.apache.flink.util.FlinkException:
Disconnect from JobManager responsible for ...
5- Also seeing this: Failed to close consumer network client with type

So what I'm guessing is happening is the indexing is blocking the job and
the task manager cannot cleanly remove the job and finally after a while it
decides to shut down completely?

Is there a way to pause the stream and restart at a later time knowing that
this happens always at the same wall clock time? Or maybe allow the JDBC to
cleanly shutdown with a timeout?

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