My application has a stateful operator which leverages RocksDB to store a
large amount of state. It, along with other operators receive configuration
as a broadcast stream (KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction). The operator depends
upon another input stream that triggers some communication with external
services whose results are then combined to yield the state that gets
stored in RocksDB.

In order to make the application more efficient, I am going to switch to
asynchronous IO but as the result is ultimately going to be a (Scala)
Future, I will have to block once to get the result. I was hoping to
leverage the Async IO operator but that apparently doesn't support RocksDB
based state storage. Am I correct in saying
that KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction is the only option I have? If so, then I
want to understand how registering a future's callbacks (via onComplete)
works with a synchronous operator such as KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction.
Will the thread executing the function simply relinquish control to some
other subtask while the results of the external services are being awaited?
Will the callback eventually be triggered automatically or will I have to
explicitly block on the result future like so: Await.result(f, timeout).


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