Hi all,

I'm working on an integration project trying to write some library code
that will allow us at the Wikimedia Foundation to use Flink with our 'Event
Platform <https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Event_Platform>'.
Specifically, I'm trying to write a reusable step near the end of a
pipeline that will ensure our JSON events satisfy some criteria before
producing them to Kafka.  Details here

I'm experimenting with writing my own custom format
do this.  But all I really need to do is override
serialize method
augment and validate the ObjectNode before it is serialized to byte[].

I'm running into an issue where the ObjectNode that is used by Flink here
is the shaded one: org.apache.flink.shaded.jackson2.com.fasterxml.jackson.
databind.node.ObjectNode, whereas the WMF code
I want to use to augment the ObjectNode is using a regular non shaded one.
I can't pass the shaded ObjectNode instance to a function that takes a non
shaded one, and I can't cast the shaded ObjectNode to non shaded either.

My Q is: is there a way to extend Flink APIs that use shaded dependencies?
I suppose I could copy/paste the whole of the "json" format code that I
need into my project and just make it my own, but this feels quite

Thank you!
-Andrew Otto
 Wikimedia Foundation

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