Hi Gopi,

Your use case is a little under-specified to give a specific answer, especially 
to the nature of the two input streams and the way events of both streams are 
correlated (joined):

  *   Is your fast-stream keyed?
     *   If yes: keyed state and timers can be used, otherwise only operator 
state can be used to buffer events, no timers
  *   Is your metadata-stream keyed? I.e.
     *   Metadata-stream events are combined only to fast-stream events having 
the same respective key
        *   Implement a KeyedCoProcessFunction …
     *   Metadata-stream events apply to all fast-stream events irrespective of 
the key
        *   Implement a KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction (after converting the 
metadata-stream to a broadcast stream)
        *   Then in the processBroadcastElement function you can iterate over 
all keys of all state primitives
  *   None of your streams are keyed?
     *   That leaves you only the option of using operator state
        *   Current implementation of operator state is not incremental and 
thus it is completely generated/stored with each state checkpoint
        *   This allows only a moderate number of datapoints in operator state
  *   Which version of Flink are you using? Recommendations above refer to 
Flink 1.15.0

Looking forward to your answers (also please go a little more into detail of 
you use case) and follow up questions …



From: Gopi Krishna M <gopikrish...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2022 3:01 PM
To: Qingsheng Ren <re...@apache.org>
Cc: user@flink.apache.org
Subject: Re: Synchronizing streams in coprocessfunction

Thanks Quingsheng, that would definitely work. But I'm unable to figure out how 
I can apply this with CoProcessFunction. One stream is windowed and trigger 
implementation uses the 2nd stream.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 3:29 PM Qingsheng Ren 
<re...@apache.org<mailto:re...@apache.org>> wrote:
Hi Gopi,

What about using a window with a custom trigger? The window is doing nothing 
but aggregating your input to a collection. The trigger accepts metadata from 
the low input stream so it can fire and purge the window (emit all elements in 
the window to downstream) on arrival of metadata.


> On Jun 27, 2022, at 12:46, Gopi Krishna M 
> <gopikrish...@gmail.com<mailto:gopikrish...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've a scenario where I use connected streams where one is a low throughput 
> metadata stream and another one is a high throughput data stream. I use 
> CoProcessFunction that operates on a data stream with behavior controlled by 
> a metadata stream.
> Is there a way to slow down/pause the high throughput data stream until I've 
> received one entry from the metadata stream? It's possible that by the time I 
> get the first element from the metadata stream, I might get 1000s of items 
> from the data stream. One option is to create a state to buffer the data 
> stream within the operator. Is there any other option which doesn't need this 
> state management?
> Thanks,
> Gopi
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