
Welcome to the Flink community!

A DataStreamSource is a DataStream. It is normally used as the starting
point of a DataStream.  All related methods in StreamExecutionEnvironment
that create a DataStream return actually a DataStreamSource, because it is
where a DataStream starts.

Commonly, you don't care about DataStreamSource, just use DataStream even
if methods in StreamExecutionEnvironment return a DataStreamSource [1].
DataStreamSource created by those methods in StreamExecutionEnvironment
will use built-in SourceTranfromation. If you want to modify the
configuration of the transformation, you can specifically use the
DataStreamSource type(instead of DataStream) which provides some setter
methods extended from SingleOutputStreamOperator.

Best regards,


On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 3:23 PM Noel OConnor <noel.ocon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to flink and I'm trying to integrate it with apache pulsar.
> I've gone through the demos and I get how they work but one aspect
> that I can't figure out is what's the difference between a DataStream
> and a DataStreamSource.
> When would you use one over the other?
> cheers
> Noel

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