Hey everyone,

I experience non-determinism in my Table API Program at the moment and (as a 
relatively unexperienced Flink and Kafka user) I can’t really explain to myself 
why it happens. So, I have a topic with 10 Partitions and a bit of Data on it. 
Now I run a simple SELECT * query on this, that moves some attributes around 
and writes everything on another topic with 10 partitions. Then, on this topic 
I run a Event-Time-Windowed Query. Now I experience Non-Determinism: The 
results of the windowed query differ with every execution.
I thought this might be, because the SELECT query wrote the data to the 
partitioned topic without keys. So I tried it again with the same key I used 
for the original topic. It resulted in the exact same topic structure. Now when 
I run the Event-Time-Windowed query, I get incorrect results (too few 

I have already read a lot of the Docs on this and can’t seem to figure it out. 
I would much appreciate, if someone could shed a bit of light on this. Is there 
anything in particular I should be aware of, when reading partitioned topics 
and running an event time query on that? Thanks :)


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