
> return to the same values from jobManager.resource
FlinkDeployment manifest parameter
I believe this is the correct way; using jobManager.resources
and taskManager.resources
the FlinkDeployment

Is there a reason you can't change the resources values there?  I don't
think you should need to do so with podTemplate.

On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 9:56 AM Evgeniy Lyutikov <eblyuti...@avito.ru>

> Hi all
> Is there any way to specify different values for resources and limits for
> a jobmanager container?
> The problem is that sometimes kubernetes kills the jobmanager container
> because it exceeds the memory consumption.
> Last State:     Terminated
>   Reason:       OOMKilled
>   Exit Code:    137
>   Started:      Tue, 07 Mar 2023 18:06:01 +0700
>   Finished:     Fri, 10 Mar 2023 23:20:54 +0700
> What I tried to do:
> 1. added the 'jobmanager.memory.process.size' parameter to
> flinkConfiguration with a value less than the allocated resources for the
> container, but after launch, the value of this parameter is set to the
> amount of memory allocated to the container.
> 2. I tried to set resources and limits through the jobmanager pod template,
> but for the running container, the values again return to the same values
> from jobManager.resource FlinkDeployment manifest parameter
> Kubernetes operator 1.2.0 and Flink 1.14.4
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