Hi, I asked a similar question in this thread
<https://lists.apache.org/thread/1f01zo1lqcmhvosptpjlm6k3mgx0sv1m>, which
might have some relevant info.

On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 7:23 AM Chirag Dewan via user <user@flink.apache.org>

> Hi,
> Can anyone share any experience on running Flink jobs across data centers?
> I am trying to create a Multi site/Geo Replicated Kafka cluster. I want
> that my Flink job to be closely colocated with my Kafka multi site cluster.
> If the Flink job is bound to a single data center, I believe we will
> observe a lot of client latency by trying to access the broker in another
> DC.
> Rather if I can make my Flink Kafka collectors as rack aware and start
> fetching data from the closest Kafka broker, I should get better results.
> I will be deploying Flink 1.16 on Kubernetes with Strimzi managed Apache
> Kafka.
> Thanks.

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