
I'm trying to enable HA for flink-kubernetes-operator
with Helm.  We are using namespaced RBAC via watchedNamespaces.

I've followed instructions and set
kubernetes.operator.leader-election.enabled and
kubernetes.operator.leader-election.lease-name, and increased replicas to
2.  When I deploy, the second replica comes online, but errors with:

Exception occurred while acquiring lock 'LeaseLock: flink-operator -
flink-operator-lease (flink-kubernetes-operator-86b888d6b6-8cxjs
Failure executing: GET at:
Message: Forbidden!Configured service account doesn't have access. Service
account may have been revoked. leases.coordination.k8s.io
"flink-operator-lease" is forbidden: User
"system:serviceaccount:flink-operator:flink-operator" cannot get resource
"leases" in API group "coordination.k8s.io" in the namespace

Looking at the rbac.yaml helm template
it looks like the Role and RoleBindings that grant access to the leases
resource are created for the configured watchNamespaces, but not for the
namespace in which the flink-kubernetes-operator is deployed.  I think that
for HA, the flink-kubernetes-operator is going to be asking k8s for Leases
in its own namespace, right?

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?  I'd file a JIRA, but I
betcha I'm just doing something wrong (unless I'm the first person who's
tried to use HA + namespaced RBAC with the helm charts?).

-Andrew Otto
 Wikimedia Foundation

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