Can you attach the log about the exception when job failed?



在 2023-12-04 15:56:04,"nick toker" <nick.toker....@gmail.com> 写道:


restart the job it's ok and i do that , but i must cancel the job and submit a 
new one and i dont want the data from the state
forget to  mention that i use the parameter "-allowNonRestoredState" 

my steps:

1. stop the job with savepoint

2. run the updated job ( update job graph) from savepoint

expect it to run

currently the result is the the job fail


‫בתאריך יום ב׳, 4 בדצמ׳ 2023 ב-8:41 מאת ‪Xuyang‬‏ <‪xyzhong...@163.com‬‏>:‬

Hi, nick.

> using savepoint i must cancel the job to be able run the new graph

Do you mean that you need cancel and start the job using the new flink job 
graph in 1.17.1, 
and in the past, it was able to make the changes to the new operator effective 
without restarting the job?

I think in order for the new job graph to take effect, it is necessary to 
restart the job.



At 2023-12-03 21:49:23, "nick toker" <nick.toker....@gmail.com> wrote:


when i add or remove an operator in the job graph , using savepoint i must 
cancel the job to be able run the new graph

e.g. by adding or removing operator (like new sink target)

it was working in the past

i using flink 1.17.1

1. is it a known bug? if so when planned to be fix

2. do i need to do something to make it work?


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