Hi JM,

The dependency is set here:


We expect that the non-provided dependencies will be embedded in the jar,
as they are required for the connector.

The 3.0 kafka connector could be deployed to Flink 1.17.0/1.17.1/1.18.0,
but the flink-connector-base could be different for these versions.
Other connectors might have a different support matrix, so embedding any
flink-connector-base dependency would be a bad practice.

I hope this helps,

Jean-Marc Paulin <j...@uk.ibm.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. dec. 4., H,

> Hi,
> Trying to update the kafka connector to my project and I am missing a
> class. Is the doc missing a dependency on flink-connector-base ?
>     <dependency>
>       <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId>
>       <artifactId>flink-connector-base</artifactId>
>       <scope>compile</scope>
>     </dependency>
> I added it and it works. I think that's required but I would have expected
> this in the dependency on the  Kafka | Apache Flink
> <https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.18/docs/connectors/datastream/kafka/>
>  page.
> Thanks
> JM
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