Hello David,

Since this is a ClassNotFoundException, you maybe missing a dependency.
Could you share your pom.xml.

Project: Braineous https://bugsbunnyshah.github.io/braineous/

On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 11:25 AM David Silva via user <user@flink.apache.org>

> Hi,
> Our team would like to leverage Flink but we're running into some issues
> with reading from a parquet file source. I *think* it's an issue with the
> Flink API
> Could someone please help take a look?
> We're using *Scala 2.12* & *Flink 1.18.1*
> I attached a copy of the code, the terminal output, and the flink logs.
> The issue is @ *MacFlapAggregator.scala:324*, it errors because of:
> *Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> org.apache.flink.formats.parquet.ParquetColumnarRowInputFormat*
>    - *MacFlapAggregator.scala:206 *creates and queries the same exact
>    table successfully though
>    - *MacFlapAggregator.scala:318 *If I create the table using a CSV
>    source, it works
> I also posted in the slack server here
> https://apache-flink.slack.com/archives/C03G7LJTS2G/p1713209215085589
> Any help with this would be immensely helpful, our team has been
> struggling with this for a couple days now.
> Thanks!

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