
On a k8s cluster, I have the flink-k8s-operator running 1.8 with autoscaler
= enabled (in-place) and a flinkDeployment (application mode) running

The flinkDeployment i.e. the flink streaming application has a mock data
producer as the source.  The source generates data points every X milli
to be processed (aggregated) by the downstream operators. The aggregated
results are written to Iceberg.

The pipeline starts with default-parallelism = 1 i..e all the job vertexes
start with par = 1 and X = 0 so all data points are generated continuously.
Due to the lag associated with the aggregation and sink, the
source experiences backpressure and hence the autoscaler triggers a
scale-up. I want to slow down the speed of data production by source after
the first scale-up event. What are the ways I can detect the scale-up event
so that the source can dynamically adjust (increase) X at run-time? I am
wondering if there is a way to detect if the parallelism of any of the
job-vertex in the flink execution graph has gone above 1 within the source
operator at runtime.

This is a test pipeline (flink app) and the goal is to test the scale-up
and scale-down events thus I need to increase X in order to have a
scale-down event get triggered afterwards.

Thank you

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