Hi Silvio,

thanks for your suggestion. It gives me a workaround, but it's not exactly what I was hoping/asking about.

I'm going to assume what I'd want to do being just not doable.

Thank you,


On 29/11/2016 09:26, Silvio Di gregorio wrote:
with the "static interceptor" you can add key/value pairs in your flume event header:

agentOne.sources.s1.interceptors = interOne
agentOne.sources.s1.interceptors.interOne.type = static
agentOne.sources.s1.interceptors.interOne.key = costante
agentOne.sources.s1.interceptors.interOne.value = quello_che_vuoi

I hope it is useful
have nice day

2016-11-28 18:26 GMT+01:00 Roberto Coluccio <roberto.coluc...@eng.it <mailto:roberto.coluc...@eng.it>>:

    Hello folks,

    I was wondering if it's possible to define custom constants in a
    Flume agent configuration file, so to avoid errors and replicated
    stuff when not needed. An example to make my point clear:

    assume I want to launch an agent of type /myAgent/ configured with
    file channel and hdfs sink.

    I want the file channel to persist data and checkpoint into
    "~/flume/myAgent1/data" and "~/flume/myAgent1/checkpoint"

    Also, I want the hdfs sink to write files with prefix "myAgent1"

    In this scenario, I should harcorde the "myAgent1" string 3 times,
    one for each configuration parameter. This is error prone and
    kinda frustrating.

    Is there a way to define a constant like "myConstant" in the
    configuration file, and leverage it as parameter in the other
    configuration lines?


    myConstant = myAgent1
    myAgent.channels.myChannel.dataDirs = ~/flume/${myConstant}/data
    myAgent.sinks.mySink.hdfs.filePrefix = ${myConstant}

    It seems like the use of flume events header keys, but I don't
    want to add interceptors or other components just to have
    parameters in my config file.

    Thanks for your help.

    Best regards,








*Roberto Coluccio*

Solution Designer
Direzione Ricerca e Innovazione
roberto.coluc...@eng.it <mailto:roberto.coluc...@eng.it>

Interno 604135 | Esterno +39 0510435135

*Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
Via Marconi, 10, 40122 Bologna

www.eng.it <http://www.eng.it/>

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