Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
> I just realized that a local anchor named #raw in a page that is
> listed in site as
> <upgrading_07 label="Upgrading to 0.7" href="upgrading_07.html">
> cannot be adressed by a url like site:upgrading_07#raw as I expected.
> Instead I have to extend site to something like
> <upgrading_07 label="Upgrading to 0.7" href="upgrading_07.html">
>    <upgrading_07_raw href="#raw"/>
> </upgrading_07>
> and then address it as site:upgrading_07_raw

This doesn't solve the issue (see below) but there is
a better way than your example. No need for the repetition:
<upgrading_07 label="Upgrading to 0.7" href="upgrading_07.html">
  <raw href="#raw"/>

and then refer to it as site:upgrading_07/raw

> Is this a bug or are there reasons for this to be so. After
> all it does force you to duplicate each anchor in the page if your
> want to address it. Or use the normal http-protocol which is not
> really a solution either.

This is a known issue:
 "indirect linking and anchors"

The Cocoon LinkRewriter Transformer block needs enhancement.
