[moved to dev list, CC'd to users so readers there know the discussion has moved, replies will go to the dev list]

David Crossley wrote:
, Mark Eggers wrote:

Addi wrote:

...be able to download plugins. Is there any way for me to download the plugin files and transfer them to the laptop? Any other workarounds?

I don't know about the snapshot. If you use subversion to check out the current Forrest environment, you'll get a directory $FORREST_HOME/plugins In there, you should find the source to all of the plugins.


I typically do an svn update, build clean, build, cd to the plugins and then ant local-deploy each plugin. I wish there was an easier way of building and deploying all of the plugins. Maybe that's a good candidate for an enhancement suggestion. Since the plugins exist in the subversion checkout, maybe the main build script could check for the plugins and build them locally (or as a separate ant task).

This would not work for released versions as they do not have the source available and the whole idea of plugins is to only provide the functionality needed. There isn't really anything we can do about that, it is possible for the user to manually download the plugins and they will never have to repeat this process again since the plugins are cached locally.

For devs using SVN head or the snapshots we do need something better than the current approach. It is proposed that the system will look for the plugin source locally and not require them to be brought into the build directory of Forrest if they are available. In other words, if you have the source version of Forrest you would not need the do anything special, the plugins would be used in place.

However, a quick hack would be as Mark suggests, have the Forrest build scripts build all the available plugins in the distribution (FORREST_HOME/plugins and FORREST_HOME/whiteboard/plugins)

So who knows how to make ANT iterate over a set of subdirectories and call a target on a build.xml file within. A new "local-deploy-all" target should be added to the plugins build.xml and this should be called by the Forrest build target.

Thanks to all those people that are using 0.7-dev and
providing feedback.

Let me echo that. It is great to see users helping out in this way, it is a very valuable contribution to Forrest.
